As a professional car negotiator and car buying expert, I didn’t hesitate to Go LIVE on Facebook with Emmy Award Winning – Consumer Reporter, Amy Davis at KPRC- Click-2-Houston to answer consumer car-buying questions like this common one: How To Beat The Car Salesman.
We had an Ask Anything session on Facebook which was pretty cool. You can still find the post and consumer comments here.
A lot of people like to know how to beat the car salesman at their game. So, as a former car salesman, I think the Facebook community was happy to unload their questions and opinions on me.
Watch here as Mike, former car salesman and car negotiator tell it all.
A day in the life of a Car Negotiator and how to beat the car salesman.
Most days I’m busy working deals and talking with clients and dealerships. But, it was weird. I got two calls in the same month from reporters doing stories on car buying, looking for an expert car negotiator or former car salesman. Of course, I was happy to take some time away from negotiating car deals to answer questions and contribute.
Actually, Amy’s thorough car buying series she called Car Buying Tips You Auto Know, was encouraging to me as I have been working to provide free content and car buying help to consumers who usually want to know how to beat the car salesman and get a good deal. Her and I connecting on this consumer report came at the right time for me.
I spend most of my time on the phone negotiating car deals and talking with my paid clients so it’s not always easy to step away and devote time to sharing what I do and how I do it. But through this experience, I found the confirmation I needed to devote time to consumers who aren’t interested in hiring a car negotiator or car buying advocate, like us at YCBA.
Which is totally cool, because our services are not for everyone. And we don’t have the time for everyone either. Car deals take time. Just ask my wife. Most days she has to remind me to turn on the DND (Do no disturb) button and shut down my phone for the night. Imagine dealerships calling and texting you all hours of the day. It gets a little nuts!
Car Negotiator Tips
Collaborating with Amy Davis on this car buying series was an honor because she is an Emmy award winning consumer reporter. I can attest to how much Amy cares about doing her job well. It was a pleasure working with her. She is a REAL consumer advocate! You can also read the Story here!
If you have a question you’d like answered leave it in the comments.
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